ULC Blog - Page 115

Atheists win official protection from discrimination in matters of housing and employment in Madison, Wisconsin. Women seem to be coming forward as atheists in greater numbers than ever before. Leaders within atheist m ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom of Religion Spirituality Freedom from Religion

Among the many groups observing and reporting on religious freedom globally, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) monitors conditions in countries of the world, except at home in the ...

Category: Freedom of Religion

France enacts laws and regulations regarding secular schools, and some Muslims say that their religion is a special target. Following the awful killings of satirical journalists and Jewish store patrons in Paris in Jan ...

Category: Freedom of Religion

Big decisions face Americans in the coming year. From the choice of who will be the next president, to budget debates over whether to slash spending that helps families in need while pouring more fuel into the military m ...

Category: Morality Online Ordination Politics

A former president had to resign from his faith organization after decades of membership, over a disagreement on the group's views of women. Wage inequality that persists between women and men in the American workforce, ...

Category: Equal Rights Online Ordination Politics Social Equality Social Justice

An educator starts his undergraduate college religion in education courses with an anonymous poll. Students get prompts that they are to answer in any way they want, such as "Muslims are ___\__\__" an ...

Category: Religion Science

As the science of genetic testing advances and the pool of participants who have their DNA on record increases, it becomes more apparent that all people are more closely related than they may have once presumed. As deep ...

Category: Science Spirituality

In one of two new books he will be releasing this year, Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY discusses politicians and prayer. Due out Sept. 8, Paul's book proclaims its purpose in its title, Our Presidents & Their Prayers: Proclama ...

Category: Morality Politics Religion

For many modern urban residents, homeless people are an unavoidable, if somewhat troubling, fact of life. Whether holding a cardboard sign proclaiming their situation at the edge of a parking lot or occupying downtown pa ...

Category: Aid

The ancient Caananite people knew of a goddess called Anath, a warrior famed for her powers of retribution. One legend tells of the man who had slighted her and then faced her wrath. He was winnowed with a sickle, crushe ...

Category: Religion