ULC Blog - Page 114

A recent book takes on the timeless question of how a person of religion can accept the facts and conclusions of modern science. Kelly James Clark is an evangelical Christian, and he writes of his concern over the appare ...

Category: Religion Science

In a 1998 episode of The Simpsons called "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace," Homer Simpson does some calculations on a chalkboard that seem to have been way ahead of his time. A physicist named Dr. Singh has written a new ...

Category: Science Spirituality

From a minority faith community besieged in Iraq, to pockets of religious believers squeezed by power plays coming from powerful groups around the globe, it seems that much of the instability in the world has a direct im ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom of Religion Islam Morality Religion

Once a year in early February comes the "holiday" that is really more of a national punch line and a further excuse to torment a captive animal for fun. Groundhog Day may have once been a reasonable moment of human pause ...

Category: Uncategorized

Responding to calls that human rights workers around the world should incorporate a religious element to their work so as to connect with local residents, some say that in many deeply religious countries, the notion of a ...

Category: Religion

On the football turf and beyond, God stays busy setting things in just the right order so that everyone receives the appropriate challenges that they require to grow. Man of God and Seattle quarterback Russell Wilson gav ...

Category: Online Ordination


So-called cultural wars and religious skirmishes play out publicly throughout the United States, in politics, courts and public schools. From billboards preaching Jesus to Bibles handed out to schoolchildren, people aim ...

Category: Equal Rights Politics Religion Christianity

96664943](/assets/ulc/blog/scaled/mlkmemorial.jpg){.alignleft .size-medium .wp-image-7856 width=200 height=300}The great people whom later generations admire and celebrate are never really superheroes with powers beyond ...

Category: Social Equality Social Justice

Amid the grief and outpouring of support for those murdered in Paris comes the wailing of tears from another continent, where they are also suffering unspeakable brutality from extremists armed with weapons of war and eq ...

Category: Human Rights Islam Morality Politics Social Justice

Some new advice seems to align very well with traditional old advice that wise parents have given to young adults for ages it seems: marry your best friend. A new economic research paper has found that perhaps the best ...

Category: Weddings