ULC Blog - Page 103

The Boy Scouts of America will now allow transgender boys to join its ranks. Serving about 2.4 million boys and young men just in the United States, the organization has been around since 1908. The early years were not e ...

Category: Equal Rights Morality

The United States Constitution was written to allow for the free exercise of faith by its citizens as well as avoid state-mandated religion. The question of balancing religious freedom with civil liberty has been particu ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Religion Christianity

The season of Lent begins on March 1, following Mardi Gras on February 28. The first day of Lent is called Ash Wednesday. Many denominations hold a service for believers as a way of beginning the season. Ministers bless ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Religion Christianity

Most people thought last year was bad when it came to bad news and negativity. The election is over, and we no longer have to listen to hours of political debate and commentary about the election, but our world is changi ...

Category: Health and Wellness

On January 30, 1948, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi, was assassinated. Gandhi was known for peaceful civil disobedience and key to the Indian independence movement. On April 4, 1968, Martin Luth ...

Category: Health and Wellness Human Rights

The world's eyes might be on New Orleans because of the Mardi Gras celebration, but there's much more to the city than one big party before Lent. It's named for the Duke of Orleans, the Regent for Louis XV. New Orleans w ...

Category: Religion

Although you won't find the phrase "ashes to ashes" in the Bible itself, you will find many scriptures talking about how our bodies begin and end as dust. Where did that phrase come from? It's actually from the "Book of ...

Category: Environment Funerals

According to the Urban Institute, 25 percent of teens have been abused or harassed through technology. Half of all teens who experience online bullying are also physically abused, making them at a higher risk for pregnan ...

Category: Health and Wellness Human Rights

Very often, a ULC minister will have to give a eulogy at a funeral, but you don't have to be a minister to give the eulogy. The family might ask you to say a few words about the deceased, especially if you were close to ...

Category: Funerals

In biblical times, it was common for a father to bless his sons not only with his material worth, but also with a heartfelt expression of what truly mattered to him. His dreams of the future, his forgiveness and his hope ...

Category: Health and Wellness Morality