Technology - Page 2

A curious story was covered in Sunday's edition of the CBS Morning Show--an emerging art and literary movement called "steampunk". The movement might be described as a re-imagining of Victorian Britain which includes Vic ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation Morality Science Spirituality Technology

Thinking about the modern church building and its role in religion today. Churches have littered landscapes on almost every continent and in every corner of the world from the very dawn of civilization. Seen as places o ...

Category: Religious Items Technology

The Large Hadron Collider outside of Geneva was constructed in hopes that it would offer us a window in on the subatomic world. It is a massive underground track where protons are smashed together to creat ...

Category: Religion Science Technology

by: Dan Shafer As a 30-year professional technologist and a lifelong student of spirituality, I am fascinated by the ways technology and spirituality intersect. I've been invited to share my thoughts on these subjects h ...

Category: Religion Spirituality Technology Dan Shafer