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Everyone plays a different role at church. Some people have more well-defined service roles, such as the pastor or worship leader. Others serve according to their talents and interests. One area of service that can inclu ...
Category: Religion
When you think of possible groups that you could form with other church members, you probably think of something that gives back to the community. After all, the extent to which your church is faithful to its mission is ...
Category: Religion
Having new people attend your worship service is exciting. It tells you that people are saying good things about what you are doing or at least that your advertisements are working. If you have been in church leadership ...
Category: Religion
Most church leaders would love to stay focused on the organization's mission and helping others in the community. The reality, however, is that without adequate numbers of regular attendees, some of those projects wouldn ...
Category: Religion
Learning how to pray takes practice. Even people who grow up in a strong faith community often have seasons when they don't know what to say or how to relate to God. There are many guides on how to pray effectively and m ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
Getting married comes with quite a few benefits, but that doesn't mean that joining your life with someone else's is going to be easy. Having a partner who practices a different faith can add both an extra layer of intri ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
Believers from every spiritual tradition have their favorite practices for understanding more about God, the world and their own places within it. Some people learn by sharing stories or by acting on the convictions of t ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion Spirituality
Many faith communities have cherished traditions and creeds, and these established habits are often considered an important part of their stories. Unfortunately, the way you usually do things may be a deterrent to people ...
Category: Religion
What do you think of when you think of stewardship? For some, it brings to mind a business transaction in which people are held responsible for certain resources. For others, it is linked to the financial and legal secur ...
Category: Environment Morality Religion
For many people of faith, reading is a large part of spiritual growth. Books can inform, advise, inspire and encourage your church members. A community library is a good way to share books, and it doesn’t have to cost ...
Category: Religion Religious Items ULC Books