Religion - Page 53

In 2005, the Kansas State Board of Education held hearings to reconfigure how Evolution would be taught in the State's high school science curriculum. Unfortunately for high school students in Kansas the ...

Category: Religion ULC Books

Religion was one of the most time honored family, and even national, traditions. It was passed down from generation to generation as parents woke their children up on Sunday mornings to attend church, teaching them to do ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Human Rights Religion Spirituality

The Large Hadron Collider outside of Geneva was constructed in hopes that it would offer us a window in on the subatomic world. It is a massive underground track where protons are smashed together to creat ...

Category: Religion Science Technology

Online ordination is a new hot button issue in religion today with some questioning its validity and bemoaning the secularization of a hallowed institution while others rejoice in the opportunity to have their most sacre ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Human Rights Religion Social Equality Social Justice

contributed by Kenneth Montville, Norfolk Atheism Examiner As far back into our history as we can go, humans have always maintained some semblance of religion or spirituality. Myths, superstitions, cults and spiritual b ...

Category: Religion

by: Bruce Magnotti Faith and belief are words that have lost their deep meaning in our language. This article is an attempt to regain some of that depth and understand why these concepts were so important to Jesus and t ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Religion Spirituality Bruce Magnotti Eastern Philosophy

by: Dan Shafer As a 30-year professional technologist and a lifelong student of spirituality, I am fascinated by the ways technology and spirituality intersect. I've been invited to share my thoughts on these subjects h ...

Category: Religion Spirituality Technology Dan Shafer

When we hunted the land for our food and slept under the stars or in caves, we were considered primitive. When we did not worship gods or deities but the earth and stars in the sky, we were called uncivilized. Man unders ...

Category: Religion Social Justice

Throughout the modern world and the history of man, few social questions have been quite so divisive as those concerning the morality surrounding homosexuality. Much like similar social topics, views on homosexuality c ...

Category: Religion Social Justice