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"Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?" The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, also know as Pastafarianism, is a tongue in cheek religion supposedly founded by beer-loving pirates. The "FSM," this alternat ...
Category: Religion
It is a commonly known fact that Superman is a symbol of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way", but to many Jewish Americans he represents something much, much more. As discussed in several recent NPR spots (which inspi ...
Provide Spiritual And Emotional Support To Prisoners And Their Families Why You Should Be A Prison Minister It isn't difficult for someone who feels a calling to be a minister of a church to do so thanks to online mi ...
Category: Uncategorized Religion
Christianity has been divided by denominations for centuries. However, a recent trend has appeared where spiritual Christians are choosing to discard those divisions in favor of non-denominational churches. In 1990, fe ...
Category: Religion
The march toward full legal recognition of same-sex couples has been building up momentum this week with a surprising jump in velocity, beginning with the repeal of Proposition 8. In a 2-1 vote, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Co ...
Category: Equal Rights Morality Politics Religion Social Equality
The Swedish government has officially recognized a new religion founded on the practice of file-sharing, called "Kopimism". Kopimists subscribe to the tenet that information and knowledge are sacred; for them the act of ...
Category: Equal Rights Freedom of Religion Religion Social Justice Spirituality
In the spirit of the holiday season, we here at the Universal Life Church Ministries want to share with our ordained ministers an update on our charitable gifts. We recently had the privilege of receiving a letter from t ...
Category: Freedom of Religion Health and Wellness Holidays and Observances Morality Religion
The seriously hot weather has been momentarily quelled, but fear of its return is imminent. New York began issuing gay marriage licenses while gay marriage protests filled the streets to combat it, but the one thing the ...
Category: Religion
by John Boswell Apparently, according to John Boswell, same sex unions used to be alright by the Catholic Church before the advent of science and such. He makes a compelling argument in "Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern E ...
Category: Jesus Christ Religion ULC Books
As the burqa ban sweeps across Europe, Austria is allowing the little known tradition of upturned pasta strainers to appear on driver's licenses. After just two years of fighting, Niko Alm, an Austrian ma ...
Category: Freedom Freedom of Religion Politics Religion Citizens Rights