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The seriously hot weather has been momentarily quelled, but fear of its return is imminent. New York began issuing gay marriage licenses while gay marriage protests filled the streets to combat it, but the one thing the ...
Category: Religion
by John Boswell Apparently, according to John Boswell, same sex unions used to be alright by the Catholic Church before the advent of science and such. He makes a compelling argument in "Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern E ...
Category: Jesus Christ Religion ULC Books
As the burqa ban sweeps across Europe, Austria is allowing the little known tradition of upturned pasta strainers to appear on driver's licenses. After just two years of fighting, Niko Alm, an Austrian ma ...
Category: Freedom Freedom of Religion Politics Religion Citizens Rights
Should religion and politics mix? They inevitably will, but the question is where and how. A debate has been raging, a "culture war" has been decreed and some are asking themselves "what would Jesus do?" while others ar ...
Chances are, if you are a member of an orthodox Judeo-Christian faith, you aren't familiar with a creepy cast member that is introduced in the Old Testament. The book of Genesis describes a type of being that lives in th ...
Category: End of the World Religion Science Spirituality Superstitions
Where two conversational taboos meet, Jim Wallis artfully crafts a painfully accurate discussion on America's shortcomings and the possibilities for change and improvements. Jim Wallis has done something big. He has com ...
The ULCM commends New York on their efforts to ensure marriage equality for all citizens by passing legislation legalizing gay marriage! This bill marks the passage of same sex marriage in the largest state thus far; Ne ...
Category: Equal Rights Freedom Politics Religion
Burning Man organizers encourage couples to get married by a ULC minister at the week-long alternative event. Burning Man, the week-long alternative event annually held in Black Rock Desert, Nevada, has long-established ...
Category: Religion ULC Topics
An unfortunate by-product of the nature of free and easily-obtainable online ordinations are the doubts people have about them. ULC ministers must combat these doubts. Yesterday, the Universal Life Church Ministries's C ...
Category: Religion
Pastors who have experienced scandals may be left with fewer sheep in their flock, but they are not left alone. It seems as though every day another pastor, priest or minister is plagued by a scandal. Call them pastor s ...
Category: Religion