Religion - Page 51

Since Pope Francis was elected Bishop of Rome in February, he has been drawing a younger crowd to the Catholic faith with his more moderate and even liberal views on controversial political topics. Since he began his pap ...

Category: Gay Weddings Religion

64551407](/assets/ulc/blog/scaled/red-blue-usa.jpg){.alignleft .size-medium .wp-image-7542 width=300 height=294}As a wedding officiant, you may be asked to perform a ceremony of which you disapprove. You are encouraged t ...

Category: Religion

There has been no shortage of stories and theories that have attempted to explain how the world came into existence, many of them from religion. Why so many stories across different cultures share similar explanations is ...

Category: Religion

Fervent belief in divine protection is a common tenet of many r****eligious faiths, and brings many people the world over great comfort. But sometimes the cloak of certainty can smother the flame of realistic expecta ...

Category: Religion

This blog post extensively uses analogies that might not make sense to you. If this is the case, chalk your confusion up to writer's error on the Universal Life Church's part but please do not discount the content of thi ...

Category: Religion ULC Topics

"Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?" The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, also know as Pastafarianism, is a tongue in cheek religion supposedly founded by beer-loving pirates. The "FSM," this alternat ...

Category: Religion

It is a commonly known fact that Superman is a symbol of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way", but to many Jewish Americans he represents something much, much more. As discussed in several recent NPR spots (which inspi ...

Category: Religion Judaism

Provide Spiritual And Emotional Support To Prisoners And Their Families Why You Should Be A Prison Minister It isn't difficult for someone who feels a calling to be a minister of a church to do so thanks to online mi ...

Category: Uncategorized Religion

Christianity has been divided by denominations for centuries. However, a recent trend has appeared where spiritual Christians are choosing to discard those divisions in favor of non-denominational churches. In 1990, fe ...

Category: Religion

The march toward full legal recognition of same-sex couples has been building up momentum this week with a surprising jump in velocity, beginning with the repeal of Proposition 8. In a 2-1 vote, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Co ...

Category: Equal Rights Morality Politics Religion Social Equality