Religion - Page 48

Religious persecution may not seem like something that is as common as it once was, but it is still a major problem worldwide. There are still many countries in which you can be persecuted or even executed for following ...

Category: Online Ordination Religion Social Justice

There are religious schools all over the nation. These are typically private schools and universities, but they are often included in sports and other extracurricular activities with public schools. There are some privat ...

Category: Religion School

Your friend has been inviting you to his church for weeks now and you've finally agreed. You walk into the church only to be greeted by a warm and welcoming group of people. Then, the worship starts and you feel somethin ...

Category: Online Ordination Religion Christianity

Perhaps things aren't going quite like you want them to. Maybe you've hit a rough patch, dealt with some relationship issues, lost your job, or had some other things not go your way. When this happens, many people start ...

Category: Religion

A recent study has shown that women are generally more religious than men. The study, conducted by the Pew Research Center, looked at several different aspects of religion and spirituality. It also looked at separate r ...

Category: Faith Healing Freedom of Religion Religion

Many people love the show The Bachelor. It is one of the longest running reality shows on television, and it follows the story of a male attempting to find love by choosing one of the selected females. It first aired i ...

Category: Uncategorized Online Ordination Politics Religion

More details are beginning to emerge about the two killers in the California terrorist attack, yet there are many questions that have yet to be answered. On December 2nd, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married coupl ...

Category: Disasters Funerals Human Rights Morality Religion

A mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, has left 14 dead with many more injured. Police say a husband and wife walked into a Christmas party at a developmental disability center and started shooting. The center ...

Category: Disasters Religion

Five-year-old Juliana Snow was born with a rare and life-threatening illness. She suffers from Charcot Marie Tooth disease (more commonly called CMT). Her parents first noticed she wasn't hitting developmental mileston ...

Category: Aid Religion

Homeschooling has been on the rise for several years now. In fact, it is estimated that 2 million children are now homeschooled by their parents. The reasons vary, but one of the most common reasons is because people w ...

Category: Religion School