Religion - Page 46

When you think about Rhode Island, what comes to mind? It's the smallest state, but it doesn't have much to its name. The official nickname is "The Ocean State," because 14 percent of its total area is water. Although Rh ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Religion

Last year, we watched as many states tried to pass "bathroom bills," limiting where transgender people could go to use the facilities. But it wasn't just the transgender community that faced legislation that would limit ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Morality Religion

On a Friday evening in March, a man worked on his car in his driveway in a suburb of Seattle. A stranger walked up to him and told him to "go back to his country." The stranger shoved the man to the ground and then shot ...

Category: Religion

Mary, the mother of Jesus, gets about 15 days each year dedicated to some facet of her memory. In September, her birthday is celebrated. On August 22, the feast day is called "The Queenship of the Virgin Mary," acknowled ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Religion Christianity

Many people have a hard time believing that ordination through the Universal Life Church is legitimate, but it's true. Ministers of the ULC are real ministers. The ULC is a real church, with a charter, doctrine of belief ...

Category: Online Ordination Religion Universal Life Church

Pope Francis might be one of the world's most popular leaders, but the Vatican has placed everyone on notice that the unauthorized use of the Pope's image and name will have serious consequences. As a public figure, does ...

Category: Religion

Purim is a Jewish holiday celebrated in the Hebrew month of Adar. Generally, Purim falls in mid-March in the Gregorian calendar. This year, it falls on March 11 and 12. Jewish holidays generally begin at sundown on the n ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Religion Judaism

When they hear the word "Christian," many individuals in the United States picture right-wing conservative fundamentalists. Their increased involvement with politics, along with the creation of groups such as the late Je ...

Category: Religion Christianity

Autism is still poorly understood by most of the public, despite the growing amount of publicity on the subject. Some autistics have been working to change that by sharing how their unique type of neurology works and by ...

Category: Health and Wellness Religion

The United States Constitution was written to allow for the free exercise of faith by its citizens as well as avoid state-mandated religion. The question of balancing religious freedom with civil liberty has been particu ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Religion Christianity