Religion - Page 44

The King James Version of Psalm 23 reads: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the path ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion Christianity

If you sometimes feel as if you're drowning in a sea of information and electronics, it might be time to consider meditation. Meditation is not only for Buddhists. It does encourage you to be more peaceful and more mindf ...

Category: Religion Spirituality

Not many people experience the phenomenon known as Saint Elmo's fire. It's a kind of a plasma that creates a faint glow, most commonly during a thunderstorm. The electricity in the air discharges near the ends of sharp o ...

Category: Religion

April is National Donate Life Month. If you aren't an organ donor, it might be time to consider making that decision part of your health directive. According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, about 22 people die e ...

Category: Health and Wellness Religion

This year, families who have both Jewish and Christian heritage will experience an overlap of Passover and Easter. Is there a way to have an interfaith holiday without it turning into a celebration where the kids are loo ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Religion

In April last year, Reverend Rene Robert, a Franciscan priest in St. Augustine, was found shot to death in Augusta, Georgia. Steven Murray, a repeat offender who was being helped by Robert, was charged with killing him. ...

Category: Human Rights Morality Politics Religion

Many of the ministers who come to the ULC do so for one purpose, to officiate at a friend's wedding. You are not required to do anything to become ordained through the ULC. There is no training or courses that you have t ...

Category: Ceremonies Religion Universal Life Church Become Ordained Online

When you think about Rhode Island, what comes to mind? It's the smallest state, but it doesn't have much to its name. The official nickname is "The Ocean State," because 14 percent of its total area is water. Although Rh ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Religion

Last year, we watched as many states tried to pass "bathroom bills," limiting where transgender people could go to use the facilities. But it wasn't just the transgender community that faced legislation that would limit ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Morality Religion

On a Friday evening in March, a man worked on his car in his driveway in a suburb of Seattle. A stranger walked up to him and told him to "go back to his country." The stranger shoved the man to the ground and then shot ...

Category: Religion