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Nashville, Tennessee, is one of the hottest housing markets, according to Zillow. The town, also known as Music City, is home to country music and Vanderbilt University. In its early days, it was an important shipping to ...
Category: Religion
The state of Wisconsin is known as America’s Dairyland, famous for its cheese production. There’s much more to the state than just cheese, the Green Bay Packers and Milwaukee Brewers. Wisconsin gained stateho ...
Category: Religion
New Year’s Day might be centered around football, parades and parties, but there’s much more to the day than the Rose Bowl and Hoppin’ John. Although these saints might not be some of the most famous, t ...
Category: Religion Christianity
Whether you’re looking for new books to explore your faith or to give out as gifts, we have a list of books that might fit the bill. Check out some of these great tomes that have received excellent reviews and will ...
Category: Religion
Marguerite de Navarre was the sister of Francis I, King of France, and a queen in her own right due to marrying King Henry III. Marguerite supported many of the men of the Reformation. One historian believes that she mig ...
Category: Religion
After watching some of the major disasters over the past several months, Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, forest fires in the western U.S and earthquakes in Mexico, most people's empathy is on high. Those who have gone unaf ...
Category: Aid Disasters Environment Religion
The United States has so much religious heritage that is preserved in seminaries and museums. If you can’t get to one of these spots, check your local religious university for exhibits within its walls that will he ...
Category: Religion Christianity Judaism
Pope Francis, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Rabbi Abraham Skorka, Bahia Sahib Mohinder Singh and many other prominent world faith leaders came together to issue a statement asking everyone to reach across religions to #Ma ...
Category: Religion
If you pay attention to religious news, then you've probably seen the name Eugene Peterson in the headlines. Apparently, people should know who he is, but unless you really follow religious writings, you may not recogn ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion Spirituality Christianity
In 2006, Katharine Jefferts Schori was elected presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church. As such, she was chief pastor of over 109 dioceses in 17 countries. She was the first woman to be elected to this position in the ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion Spirituality Christianity