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In any role that requires someone to give tirelessly, the potential exists for burnout. Church leaders entrusted with their congregations' spiritual welfare are no exception. Balancing leading a community, counseling mem ...
Category: Religion
"Tithing" comes from the Old English word for "tenth." At its simplest, tithing means giving one-tenth (or 10%) of your earnings to God or the church. Throughout history, religions have practiced some form of tithing or ...
Category: Religion
Have you ever noticed that churches with similar belief systems can still have widely different practices and traditions? This may be overwhelming or uncomfortable for someone exploring a new religion for the first time, ...
Category: Religion
In a world rich with cultural diversity, one must understand and appreciate the importance of religious tolerance. This respect for varying beliefs, rituals, and traditions ensures a harmonious society and promotes the v ...
Category: Religion
During the pandemic, many churches shifted to at-home services by streaming their services online. These home services provided a real sense of community for those who felt isolated during quarantines and stay-at-home or ...
Category: Religion
Most New Yorkers would never know that a hidden gem of tranquility lies at the heart of Manhattan's trendy Soho neighborhood. It offers a tranquil escape from chaotic city life in an unexpected setting. The Hindu temple ...
Category: Religion
Benin, a West African nation with a rich cultural tapestry, has a unique relationship with its forests. The forests of Benin hold profound spiritual significance for many of its people and serve as places of hope, guidan ...
Category: Religion
Mental health has been closely examined in recent years as the public focus has shifted to addressing the stigma of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. The relationship between religio ...
Category: Religion
Millions of people around the world celebrate Diwali, but its historic and cultural significance doesn't receive much attention in the mass media. This festival has ancient roots and evokes the symbolism of the victory o ...
Category: Religion
Great worship, a wonderful pastor, and an excellent children's program are all great things to have in a church, and it may lead you to want to bring friends, family, and neighbors with you. But how do you do that when m ...
Category: Religion