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- Weddings reports that Dave Ramsey wants pastors to stop telling people who are broke to tithe. Dave Ramsey is the author of Financial Peace University, a trusted voice on American radio and a businessman wh ...
Category: Religion Christianity
A recent study has shown that people who are religious are happier. The study was conducted in the Netherlands and has been published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. It studied 9,000 people over the age of 50. ...
At sundown on December 2, Hanukkah begins. It’s the Jewish winter holiday celebrating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. According to tradition, pure olive oil was required for the menorah in the T ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Religion Judaism
Moses and his brother, Aaron, are the heroes of the book of Exodus in the Bible. It was Moses who demanded the release of the Israelites from the Pharaoh of Egypt. Aaron was Moses’ spokesperson, because Moses could ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion Judaism
It was recently announced that Matthew Shepard would be interred at the National Cathedral. Shepard is a notable LGBT figure who was a victim of a hate crime in 1998. His parents were concerned about a burial site becomi ...
Category: Religion
November is Native American Heritage Month. In honor of this tradition, we’re offering a list of books that discuss the religion and spirituality of Indigenous peoples. In some ways, Native American traditions have ...
Category: Religion
Take a trip into the history of the church by looking at some of the patron saints who have feast days in November. Saint Agnes of Assisi Most people are familiar with Agnes’ older sister, Clare. Clare founded th ...
Category: Religion
Milwaukee is known for its brewing history, with German immigrants bringing beer to the area. The Milwaukee Brewers are fighting for a spot in the World Series this year. It’s not a city that is usually considered ...
Category: Religion ULC Topics
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. It’s admirable to want to make sure your pastor is appreciated, but one month can’t undo the damage of the rest of the year. Pastors are especially prone to burnout and e ...
Category: Religion
As one of the original 13 colonies, New Hampshire is the fifth-smallest state in the country. It’s known for skiing and other winter sports, fall foliage and summer cottages. New Hampshire is home to Dartmouth Coll ...
Category: Religion