Religion - Page 16

For some religious couples, when you first got married, you may have imagined a life in which you and your spouse lived by and spread the word of God. That may have been just what you got, too, in the early days. Recentl ...

Category: Religion Spirituality

While it is inspiring to see how countless religious groups across faiths are rising to the challenge of adapting to the situation brought on by the novel coronavirus, groups that continue to gather can still be a cause ...

Category: Religion Science

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, people around the world are changing their routines to fit within social distancing guidelines. Religions across the globe have also adjusted to stay connected with their congregatio ...

Category: Health and Wellness Religion

God’s grace is a wonder unlike any other mankind has seen. As parents, we understand this, and we hope that one day our children will understand it, too. While the messages and lessons taught in church help to guide o ...

Category: Uncategorized Religion

It’s so easy to let fear of illness and the unknown grip your heart during this coronavirus outbreak, especially when every headline promises to tell stories of loss, economic collapse and other worrisome events. When ...

Category: Religion Christianity

According to Forbes, there is the placebo, and then there is the placebo effect. A placebo is the archetypal “sugar pill” — a pill that holds no medical value whatsoever but still miraculously alleviates medical ...

Category: Religion Science

A Pew Research study found that 49% of Americans believe that the Christian Bible should have at least some impact on American laws and over a quarter believe it should have "a great deal" of influence.

Category: Politics Religion

As more people move away from religion, you might think that the Catholic Church sees the least number of converts each year due to its oftentimes backwards beliefs, corrupt leadership and strict rules. However, though i ...

Category: Religion Christianity

It’s safe to say that the coronavirus has everyone in a panic, and why shouldn’t it? With at least a 3.4% estimated mortality rate, the novel COVID-19 is significantly higher than that of the annual flu, which typica ...

Category: Health and Wellness Religion

There are dozens of good reasons to leave your church. Maybe the leaders are morally corrupt and hypocritical in their teachings. Maybe the leaders make it a habit of shaming members in front of the entire congregation. ...

Category: Religion