Religion - Page 11

Saying goodbye is not easy, but sometimes it's necessary. Contrary to what many people may claim, church membership is not a lifelong commitment. There are many reasons you may decide to leave your church, and doing so g ...

Category: Religion Spirituality

A healthy church is like a big family. Members may disagree every once in a while, but overall, you should expect that others love and support you, and you should feel free to offer the same care in return. When church n ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Politics Religion

Sabbath is a term for rejuvenation. Its origin is tied to the creation story found in Genesis, at the end of which God rested on the seventh day. The message of the myth is that it is good and right for human beings to t ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Religion Judaism

The Biblical parable of the sheep and the goats is used to illustrate many different points. Some preachers teach on the separation between the two as an indication that believers are to be set apart from the ways of the ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion

The holiday season often inspires people to be even more generous than they usually are. It's common for church members to give gifts to their congregation leaders such as the pastor, the music minister, childcare worker ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Religion

Staying active, particularly as you get older, is essential to health. The CDC recommends that older adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity. That's five half-hour workouts every week, which ...

Category: Health and Wellness Religion

Many churches have made great strides toward the intentional inclusion of people who don't look or act like their historically typical members. Whether it is committing to the practice of antiracism, affirming the LGBTQI ...

Category: Morality Religion

A newsletter is a great way to keep members and other interested parties informed about what is going on in your congregation. It doesn't do you any good, however, if no one reads it. Follow these tips for making your ch ...

Category: Religion

Advent is the first season of the Christian church year and the period of time in which believers wait for the coming Christ child. Many churches that observe Advent loop it into the Christmas celebrations, but some pr ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Religion

In 2003, Betsy Greer coined the term "craftivism" to encompass gentle, beautiful ways that creatives can make a difference in the world. Art has long been at the forefront of activist movements, challenging accepted norm ...

Category: Aid Politics Religion