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If you're online at all, you've certainly heard about the fake news problem on Facebook. If you think this issue is limited to social media, consider the following headline, "Hillary's brain is about to EXPLODE!" publish ...
Category: Politics Technology
Millions of people are expected to travel over the Labor Day weekend by plane, train, bus and car. This three-day weekend is thought to be the end of the summer season. It's the last chance to enjoy some downtime until t ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Human Rights Politics
In an attempt to show how easy it is for anyone to purchase what he deemed as an "assault rifle," Chicago reporter Neil Steinberg went to a gun store with plans to purchase one. However, his plan backfired when he was de ...
What do Sonia Sotomayor, Cesar Chavez, Laurie Hernandez, Selena, Gloria Estefan, and Pitbull all have in common? If you said that they all have a Hispanic background, you're right. Hispanic Americans trace their roots ba ...
Many people love the show The Bachelor. It is one of the longest running reality shows on television, and it follows the story of a male attempting to find love by choosing one of the selected females. It first aired i ...
Category: Uncategorized Online Ordination Politics Religion
It sounds almost unbelievable, but it's true. There is a group whose members the media says believe rape should be made legal. This group is led by a blogger named Roosh Valizadeh. He had set up a worldwide meetup for ...
Category: Equal Rights Human Rights Politics Social Equality Social Justice
Three people are dead and nine more injured after a lone gunman stormed Colorado Springs' Planned Parenthood and opened fire. The entire ordeal lasted for over five hours and ended with the gunman, Robert L. Dear, in c ...
Category: Disasters Human Rights Politics Social Justice Citizens Rights
Last month, we heard about Ben Carson and his thoughts on having a Muslim as our president. Putting it quite frankly, he doesn't think having a Muslim as our president is a good idea, because he is concerned a Muslim's ...
Category: Politics Freedom from Religion
The Holocaust was one of the most awful and gruesome parts of this world's history. Over six million Jews were murdered, and Carson is saying this could have been prevented if only one thing had changed. He feels if Je ...
Ben Carson has come under intense scrutiny this week after he revealed over the weekend he does not think a Muslim should be president. He feels a Muslim's beliefs would interfere with what the Constitution stands for. ...
Category: Equal Rights Freedom of Religion Politics