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The march toward full legal recognition of same-sex couples has been building up momentum this week with a surprising jump in velocity, beginning with the repeal of Proposition 8. In a 2-1 vote, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Co ...
Category: Equal Rights Morality Politics Religion Social Equality
In a recent blog entry titled "10 Reasons Why Homophobia Makes No Sense (Part 1)", we attempted to refute five arguments used to justify homophobia and deny LGBT people equal rights. Here we will attempt to refute the re ...
Category: Equal Rights Human Rights Politics Social Equality Citizens Rights
Jesus said: "No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth." Matthew 6:24 Here in Seattle, we are ...
Like the controversial "moral" issues of abortion and gay marriage, the debate concerning the usage of stem cells is not likely to subside any time soon. The argument pits two deeply-entrenched parties with firm ideolo ...
Category: Politics Christianity
As the burqa ban sweeps across Europe, Austria is allowing the little known tradition of upturned pasta strainers to appear on driver's licenses. After just two years of fighting, Niko Alm, an Austrian ma ...
Category: Freedom Freedom of Religion Politics Religion Citizens Rights
Why the ULC Ministries cannot stay silent on Pastor Richey's broken silence on gay marriage This is the third installment of the ULC Ministries's "Fear Blog" series where we highlight the ways in which fear is used in i ...
Category: Equal Rights Human Rights Morality Politics Social Equality
Should religion and politics mix? They inevitably will, but the question is where and how. A debate has been raging, a "culture war" has been decreed and some are asking themselves "what would Jesus do?" while others ar ...
The ULCM commends New York on their efforts to ensure marriage equality for all citizens by passing legislation legalizing gay marriage! This bill marks the passage of same sex marriage in the largest state thus far; Ne ...
Category: Equal Rights Freedom Politics Religion
The recent admission of online infidelity by New York Representative Anthony Weiner may have come as no surprise to you. Given his cryptic answers when questioned about the situation, there was certainly room to d ...
Category: Morality Politics Buddhism Christianity
Osama bin Laden has been killed and a ten year manhunt has ended, but, as the President asserted in a Monday morning speech, is the world really safer? When special force commandos stormed the three story compound, loca ...
Category: Politics