Morality - Page 9

Niceness and kindness are two words that are often used interchangeably, but there is a big difference between them. Nice people generally act in ways that conform to society's views. A kind person acts out of a deep l ...

Category: Health and Wellness Morality Religion

According to, bullying is defined as "unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance." It's estimated that about 20 percent of all students are ...

Category: Aid Equal Rights Morality

Jen Hatmaker, a Christian author, spoke out in support of the LGBT community and same-sex marriage. Her books were taken off the shelves at LifeWay Christian stores due to her beliefs. LifeWay has the right to sell whi ...

Category: Freedom Holidays and Observances Morality Religion

Although there is no easy solution to poverty, there are proven methods that can help people find financial stability and economic security. Policy changes in the government can expand the middle class and help families ...

Category: Morality Religion Social Equality

Last week, in North Carolina, a Starbucks barista reportedly bullied a customer who was wearing a t-shirt that supported President Trump. This isn't the first time a customer has been bullied for their political beliefs. ...

Category: Equal Rights Morality Politics Religion

Predatory lending is defined as "any lending practice that imposes unfair or abusive loan terms on a borrower. It is also any practice that convinces a borrower to accept unfair terms through deceptive, coercive, exploit ...

Category: Morality Religion

In April last year, Reverend Rene Robert, a Franciscan priest in St. Augustine, was found shot to death in Augusta, Georgia. Steven Murray, a repeat offender who was being helped by Robert, was charged with killing him. ...

Category: Human Rights Morality Politics Religion

Last year, we watched as many states tried to pass "bathroom bills," limiting where transgender people could go to use the facilities. But it wasn't just the transgender community that faced legislation that would limit ...

Category: Freedom of Religion Morality Religion

The Boy Scouts of America will now allow transgender boys to join its ranks. Serving about 2.4 million boys and young men just in the United States, the organization has been around since 1908. The early years were not e ...

Category: Equal Rights Morality

In biblical times, it was common for a father to bless his sons not only with his material worth, but also with a heartfelt expression of what truly mattered to him. His dreams of the future, his forgiveness and his hope ...

Category: Health and Wellness Morality