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Why are people so mean? If it seems like you ask this question more and more these days, you’re not alone. Some people on the internet think that just because they’re hidden behind a username and a screen that the ...
Category: Health and Wellness Morality
Exodus 21:24 of the Old Testament proposes a legal guideline for punishments, which is “an eye for an eye.” The purpose of this guideline was to ensure that no person endured a sentence more severe than the crime its ...
One of the central themes of almost all religions is death or, more specifically, what becomes of us when we die. The teachings of almost every faith focus on attempting to explain death and dying and how it fits in with ...
Category: Human Rights Morality Buddhism
Everyone has been hurt by someone near and dear to them at one point or another. Sometimes the harm is intentional, while more often than not it is the result of a careless statement, years of shaded criticism, a single ...
Category: Morality
Many people, as they enter the new year, have vague goals for themselves. “Lose weight,” “make more money,” “change jobs,” “drink less,” “exercise more,” and “quit smoking” all make the top 10 lis ...
Category: Morality
The classic hymns are controversial in many ways. Modern Christians often don’t like to think about the traditional warfare of the past. A lot of hymns are extremely patriarchal, and some hymns refer to handicaps i ...
Cohabitation, whether prior to or instead of marriage, has become almost the norm in America. As of three years ago, approximately 65% of Americans said they approve of cohabitation, and over 70% of couples now cohabit b ...
In a new document issued this past summer, the Vatican declared in a decidedly harsh fashion that gender is a matter of biological birth, not personal choice, and can’t be changed. Bearing the title “Male and ...
Category: Equal Rights Morality Christianity
Empathy is a huge buzzword nowadays. Depending on who you believe, today’s world has too little or too much empathy. At its core, empathy is the ability to understand and share someone else’s feelings. Actua ...
Children are often the silent victims of domestic violence, whether they live in a home where it’s the norm or just experience it second-hand as they listen to their uncle yell at their aunt at a family dinner. Acc ...