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In many areas of the country, churches that shut down during the first wave of COVID-19 outbreaks have moved back to in-person services and now may be shutting down again. Some members are likely to be uncomfortable with ...
Historically, the United States has allowed for around 81,000 refugees to be admitted into the country every year. These are often religious minorities or similarly discriminated-against people fleeing from some of the w ...
Issues concerning LGBTQ rights often pose big questions to politicians and religious leaders alike. While some churches continue to claim that having a sexual orientation other than heterosexuality goes against their tea ...
Category: Human Rights Morality Politics Religion
Some Christians are concerned that stay-at-home orders will lead to an increase in pornography viewership and create a wave of new porn addicts once our lives return to normal.
Category: Morality Christianity
We are saddened to hear yet another story of a stubborn pastor putting his congregation and his entire community at a heightened and unnecessary risk of contracting and transmitting coronavirus. This time around it’s F ...
In 1802, Thomas Jefferson created the phrase “separation of church and state” in a letter addressed to Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut. Though the first amendment does not use this phrase, Mr. Jefferson em ...
Category: Health and Wellness Morality Politics Religion
While many parts of the United States have ordered churchgoers to stay home during the coronavirus, some church leaders are still holding services and telling their congregation that faith in God will protect them
Category: Faith Healing Morality
If you're one of the lucky ones who can work from home, you may want to consider donating to some of your favorite causes or supporting local businesses. Donating a little money, food, or time can go a long way.
Category: Aid Health and Wellness Morality
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has upended life as we know it. Kids can’t go to school. Adults can’t go to work. Fears that the economy will crumble are rampant. And people are forced to go without — without toil ...
Category: Aid Health and Wellness Morality
If your child, regardless of age, has chosen to leave the Church of Latter-day Saints, you may feel burdened by his or her decision. You may also feel that the decision is a failure on your part. Could you have done more ...
Category: Morality Spirituality Christianity