Health and Wellness - Page 2

Financial stress is a common experience for many people, especially those who live month to month. This pressure is often compounded when you try to manage money with a partner. Here are some tips for working through fin ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Many parents are often nervous as their kids enter their teen years. They have heard the tales of sullen adolescents who are suddenly embarrassed to admit they even have parents, much less to be seen with them. While the ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Finding moments of silence can be challenging. The world is not built for quiet contemplation. In fact, it often seems people are bombarded with prompts to add more noise to their days, whether it's in the form of a new ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Everyone occasionally needs a day off to rest. Even if your job is fun or you have a flexible schedule, it's still nice to get a break. On the other hand, if your job is incredibly stressful or you just finished an impor ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Most people strive to have healthy, mutually beneficial relationships. Whether you are evaluating your romantic partnership, family camaraderie or platonic connections, this checklist can help you identify what's working ...

Category: Health and Wellness

If you are a teacher or a parent, you have likely read a lot of articles or perhaps even attended classes on how to build children's confidence. One thing that many of these resources leave out is that modeling self-assu ...

Category: Health and Wellness

No one likes to be controlled by other people. Having control over yourself, however, is both freeing and empowering. The book of Galatians in the Bible lists self-control as one of the fruits of the spirit; that is, it' ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Almost everyone has goals and dreams they are passionate about. When asked about their progress, many people will hem and haw, giving reasons why they haven't started yet or declaring an imagined date for beginning in th ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Adopting a more active lifestyle is on many people's to-do lists. You don't have to join a gym or invest in expensive workout equipment to make healthy changes, though. Just working more movement into your day can make a ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Busy days can be both physically and socially exhausting. It is easy to come home at the end of the day, close the front door, and shut everyone out. While this may be a necessary boundary to set occasionally, there is e ...

Category: Health and Wellness