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One interesting result of novel coronavirus outbreaks in the United States is that some churches have taken the prohibition against gathering to court, claiming that being denied the right to gather is an infringement of ...
Category: Equal Rights Freedom Freedom of Religion Politics
Pro-life protestors can continue to protest in Michigan during the state's stay-at-home order after Governor Gretchen Whitmer clairifies what activities are prohibited during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Category: Freedom of Religion
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was charged with two misdemeanors after disregarding a county stay-at-home order and continuing to hold services in his megachurch while coronavirus cases increase in Florida.
Category: Freedom of Religion
The results of a new international Pew Research Center study show that both governmental restrictions and governmental and nongovernmental religious hostilities have significantly increased around the world during the pa ...
Category: Freedom of Religion Politics Religion
The Universal Life Church Ministries filed a lawsuit against Tennessee to block a recently-passed law that would bar ministers who received their ordination online from performing weddings
Category: Freedom of Religion Religion Universal Life Church
Wednesday is National Religious Freedom Day. While this has been a holiday celebrated for quite some time, this year it seems to hold more weight. Never have we had more controversy over religious freedom than over the l ...
Category: Freedom Freedom of Religion Religion
Amid discussions in the United States over the boundaries of religious liberties and the right to live one's religion or to be free from religion, some employment experts discuss how individuals may be religious at wor ...
Category: Equal Rights Freedom of Religion Politics
Some court decisions in Europe and the United States have given weight to claims of religious "freedom" for religious organizations. This allows these organizations to follow their principles and doctrines in employmen ...
Category: Freedom of Religion Citizens Rights Freedom from Religion
The Holy Bible is not only a religious text, but also one of the most beloved literary texts. Many biblical stories are common tropes in stories from all times. The story of Joseph and his colorful coat is now a Broadway ...
Category: Freedom of Religion Religion
When you think about Rhode Island, what comes to mind? It's the smallest state, but it doesn't have much to its name. The official nickname is "The Ocean State," because 14 percent of its total area is water. Although Rh ...
Category: Freedom of Religion Religion