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Praying regularly can have many positive effects on a person's health and wellbeing. From reducing stress to improving your attitude, here are just a few reasons why you should consider frequent prayer.
Category: Health and Wellness Christianity
Ever wonder where the phrase “green-eyed monster” comes from? The green-eyed monster refers to someone who is motivated by jealousy and envy. The first recorded use of the phrase is from Shakespeare. During t ...
Category: Morality Christianity ULC Topics
Even though National Poetry Month has come and gone, let’s take a look at the Psalms. Most scholars consider Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon poetic books. The Psalms are some of the most lyr ...
Category: Religion Christianity
One of the most famous references to salt is from Matthew 5, when Jesus is preaching the Sermon on the Mount. The disciples are referred to as “the salt of the earth.” Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary e ...
Category: Religion Christianity
Gluttony is usually associated with overeating, but it really has to do with overconsumption. In “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” Augustus Gloop, the first child who has an accident, almost drowns in the ...
Category: Christianity ULC Topics
Insects are considered pests in most homes in the United States. If you have termites, roaches or spiders, you may have called your local pest control to get rid of those bugs. The authors of the Bible used insects to te ...
Category: Religion Christianity
Backyard bird feeding and bird watching are popular hobbies that connect you to nature. There’s something special about finding a bright red cardinal at your bird feeder or spotting a rare bird while you’re o ...
Category: Religion Christianity
Charity is a complex subject that could be discussed for weeks while just barely scraping the surface of what it is and what it looks like. One of the most difficult aspects of love is that the word has so many layers of ...
Category: Religion Christianity
First Corinthians 13:13 says, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Love, translated as charity, is more than the feeling you have for your spouse or child. Th ...
Category: Religion Christianity
The cardinal virtues, courage, justice, temperance and prudence, can be practiced by anyone, regardless of religion. These four virtues outline civilized society and morality. Faith, hope and charity are considered theol ...
Category: Religion Christianity