Christianity - Page 11

Child protection professionals see the worst that society offers, both in graphic detail and testimony from the people they are trying to protect. Too often, some in the profession note, the church and its leaders offe ...

Category: Faith Healing Blessings Christianity

So-called cultural wars and religious skirmishes play out publicly throughout the United States, in politics, courts and public schools. From billboards preaching Jesus to Bibles handed out to schoolchildren, people aim ...

Category: Equal Rights Politics Religion Christianity

Is Religion on the Way Out Among Young People? In 1966, Time magazine published one of its most memorable and infamous front covers. In red font against a simple black background were the words, "Is God Dead?" The att ...

Category: Religion Christianity

Hillary Clinton Reports the Bible Is the Most Influential Book for Her The Bible has a significant impact on American politics that goes beyond social issues like gay marriage and abortion. In a notable example, Hilla ...

Category: Politics Christianity

The Catholic church seems to be undergoing a transformation led by Pope Francis. While we must admit that there is certainly room for more improvement, the gestures he has extended are more in line with Christian princip ...

Category: Christianity

Everyone knows who Superman is. Particularly modern folks like those who get ordained online, discussions about this character are almost unavoidable lately. He embodies about the same spirit of Americana as sharing appl ...

Category: Christianity

Like the controversial "moral" issues of abortion and gay marriage, the debate concerning the usage of stem cells is not likely to subside any time soon. The argument pits two deeply-entrenched parties with firm ideolo ...

Category: Politics Christianity

The Universal Life Church has been intrigued by "phantom Bible verses" and other phenomena that exemplify using religion to further human ends, here is Bart D. Ehrman's take on it. Prolific and provocative Bible Scholar ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation ULC Books Christianity

One by one, pastors call their followers to accept Jesus into their hearts. One by one, the sheep flock to the altar with their hands raised, allowing Him in. One by one those very same followers get into their car and f ...

Category: Christianity

Famous "biblical" passages that are oft quoted but never actually found anywhere, on any page, of any bible. Before you get your free online ordination, here is something to remember before officiating a ceremony or giv ...

Category: Ceremonies Christianity