Ordination Certificate

Once you have been ordained as a minister, an ordination certificate provides proof that you are registered and qualified to perform certain ceremonies. This certificate is an official document available from the Universal Life Church verifying that you have been licensed to act in a ministerial capacity.
Wedding Ceremonies
Many people obtain their minister license so they can perform weddings, baptisms, funerals, and other ceremonies in their community. As opposed to calling in a random clergy member to preside over a service, choosing someone you know gives the ceremony a much more intimate feel. But before you can perform legal ceremonies like weddings, a minister may be asked to provide proof of ordination – usually in the form of an ordination certificate – to the office issuing the marriage license. This should be done well in advance of the ceremony. Finally, consult other local laws to make sure you’ve got all your legal bases covered.
Legal Considerations of an Ordination Certificate
This document can be obtained as soon as you are officially ordained as a minister. Given its importance, it should be handled carefully. When you order your ordination certificate, consider the following tips:
- Use only your legal name; avoid nicknames and titles
- Verify your name’s spelling because it will appear on the certificate exactly how you enter it online.
- Some states require that ministers show a Letter of Good Standing in addition to the ordination certificate, so make sure to add one to your order if needed.
You’ve taken the trouble to become ordained, and now it’s time to get to work! Your ordination certificate is your keycard to the world of ministry, opening up doors that were once closed to you.
If you need help, advice, or assistance with any aspect of being a member of the clergy, don’t forget to check out our Minister Training Center!