How to Become Ordained in South Dakota
Written and reviewed for accuracy by the ordination research team at the Universal Life Church Ministries on

Getting ordained in South Dakota is as easy as 1-2-3! It only takes a few moments to get ordained for free online through our website. Ordination will entitle you to perform all manner of legal ceremonies, including performing weddings.
Easy ordination is a rather new development. For centuries, ordination was reserved for a select and privileged few who had the time and money to invest into that goal. And many were prevented from ordination altogether through characteristics they couldn't change.
The Universal Life Church believes that everyone should be able to get ordained, and no artificial barriers should be placed in the way of those who feel the calling to ministry. Because of that philosophy, we've made ordination free, quick, and online.
The communities of South Dakota are famous for the tight bonds they forge with one another. At the ULC, we're similarly committed to building a new world where all people treat each other as family. So it's no surprise that so many South Dakotans have chosen to become ordained by the Universal Life Church. We love seeing all of the good they are doing in their communities!
We'll take you through how your internet ordination works, discuss legal concerns you might have, and most importantly, show you how to get ordained in South Dakota!
1. Become an Ordained Minister in South Dakota
The first thing you'll want to do to get ordained online is by filling out the ordination form on our website. This form gathers basic information, but please be sure to double check everything before submitting! Once you've filled out the form, you'll be an ordained minister within seconds! To begin the ordination process, all you have to do is click the button below:
Are you wondering how something like this can be so fast, easy, and free. At Universal Life Church Ministries, we believe first and foremost that ordination should have as few barriers as possible. It is our goal to bring ordination to those who may not have been able to attain it before, and we believe strongly that universal access to ordination is the best way to do so.
2. Put Your Ordination to Use in South Dakota
With the ordination form filled out and the confirmation email in your inbox, you can now figure out how you'd like to put your newfound ordination to good use. The wonderful ULC ministers of South Dakota are utilizing their ordinations in unique and powerful ways all across the state, from Aberdeen to Watertown.
As a minister of the Universal Life Church, you can:
- Officiate wedding ceremonies
- Perform baptisms and christenings
- Preside over funerals
- Oversee myriad other spiritual ceremonies
You can even open your own church! A handful of South Dakota ministers have already done so. To explore all the options now available to you as a Universal Life Church minister, head over to our Minister Training Center.
3. How Ordination Works in South Dakota
An overview of the history of ordination will help shine some light on why we make it free and easy. For centuries, ordination was a time consuming and sometimes expensive process. In short, ordination is the process by which one becomes a member of the clergy of a particular religious body. Faiths and denominations around the world have their own particular processes, but ordination often requires years of study, only after which would one be able to perform duties reserved for clergy.
This process was often reserved for a select few, and women were often excluded altogether.
Our philosophy is a little different. We believe in tearing down those barriers to ordination. It was that belief that led to our innovative ordination approach. We make ordination in South Dakota as easy as possible by removing those obstacles of the past; ordination with Universal Life Church Ministries is open to all, takes only a few moments, and is always free. This way we can ensure that anyone who feels the calling to ordination can meet it!
Ordination through ULCM also grants you the same rights other legally recognized religious bodies enjoy, meaning that, similar to other clergy, you are able to legally perform various ceremonies, including weddings!
4. Ordination Supplies Required in South Dakota
As you're thinking about to best use your ULCM ordination, you'll want to ensure that you have the proper tools to adequately perform your duties. Necessary items may change depending on location, but South Dakota ministers often report these are the most valuable:
Whatever your intentions are with your ordination, please always remember that we have a variety of educational resources online and items available in our shop to assist you!
5. Use Your Ordination to Perform Weddings in South Dakota
Ministers choose Universal Life Church ordination for many reasons, but one of the most popular is to officiate weddings. ULCM ordination grants you the legal right to perform weddings for friends and family.
Rapid City, South Dakota is becoming quite the bustling place, and provides a host of places to hold almost any religious ceremony! And who knows? Maybe you'll be asked to hold a unique handfasting wedding ceremony at a historic venue in Deadwood!
It's worth noting that you'll want to take a look at the wedding laws in your area before officiating a wedding. The legal obligation for officiants can change depending on your location, so always be sure to take a look at local requirements. To learn more about how to officiate in your area, check out our guide on performing a wedding in South Dakota.
How South Dakota Recognizes ULC Ordinations
Because Universal Life Church Ministries is legally recognized as a religious organization in South Dakota, they have all the rights and privileges of other religious bodies - including ordination. Those ordained by the ULCM are granted the legal power of clergy, including the ability to officiate wedding ceremonies legally.
Learn How to Perform a South Dakota Wedding
Become an OfficiantIs it Legal For You to Perform a South Dakota Wedding?
Review the Marriage LawBecome a Legal Minister Online
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