How to get Ordained in Georgia to Officiate
Written and reviewed by the wedding law liaison team at the Universal Life Church.
This page will help you through officiating a legally binding wedding in the state of Georgia. Being asked to officiate is a wonderful honor, but it also comes with the great responsibility of following all the local laws pertaining to weddings. We'll start with learning how to become a wedding minister, teach you how to marry someone, and how to complete the paperwork needed in Georgia.
These are the steps one must follow to officiate a wedding:

Getting Ordained in Georgia
Getting ordained to become a marriage officiant through the Universal Life Church is much simpler than you might think. Our online ordination process is not only quick and easy, it's also free! Legally licensed ministers from the ULC perform weddings in Georgia on almost a weekly basis. Once you have your minister license in hand, officiating a wedding is within your grasp!
How Do You Perform a Wedding in Georgia
You'll need to contact the office issuing the marriage license for the couple. In most cases, this will be the county probate court. On the phone, let the marriage officials know you are a minister and will be performing a wedding. Ask what documentation, if any, they would want to see from you. Please be aware that requirements can change from county to county in Georgia. If you do need proof, you can order it from the Minister Store here on this site.
Select a county to see contact information for each office:
Georgia Wedding Officiant Requirements
If you need to order documentation or other ministerial products, just log in to your account. Once signed in, you can browse our entire catalog. A quick tip: many ministers performing weddings in Georgia found the Classic Wedding Set to be helpful.
Even if the office issuing the marriage license does not require ministerial registration, it's not uncommon for them to ask for proof of your ordination before giving the green light for the service. Be sure that if you do order supplies, you do so well in advance of the ceremony.
How to Get a Georgia Marriage License
Georgia's Top Wedding Venue
Vecoma At The Yellow RiverThroughout Georgia, marriage licenses are most commonly issued by probate courts. This is something the couple would be responsible for picking up, as ministers cannot obtain this document on behalf of the couple. However, you should familiarize yourself with the local laws pertaining to weddings. If the couple is getting a Fulton County marriage license, for example, be sure you check to see if there are any unique ordinances to Fulton County.
Marriage licenses issued in Georgia do not expire. There is no waiting period between when the couple applies for a marriage license and when it is issued. It does, however, need to be submitted within 30 days after the date of the ceremony.
How Do You Officiate a Wedding?
Once all the paperwork is in order, you're ready to perform the wedding! If you need any help in this area, don't hesitate to utilize the tools found below. These carefully-tailored resources offer useful tips and guidance on all aspects of performing a wedding ceremony. Constructed with our wedding officiants in mind, they provide everything you'll need to plan a memorable ceremony.
Signing the Marriage License in Georgia
The final step will be to submit the completed marriage license back to the same office where it was issued. If the license asks for your information, your official title will be "Minister"; for ceremony type, put "Religious"; for denomination, list "Non-Denominational". No ministerial ID number is required.
If they ask for the address of the church, do not provide the address of the ULC headquarters. Provide your own address or that of your personal ministry. Last thing: don't miss the deadline when submitting your paperwork!
Georgia Marriage Laws
Marriage in Georgia is governed by Title 19 of Georgia's Codified Statutes. Ministers who got ordained online with the Universal Life Church have successfully solemnized thousands of weddings in the state. Below, you will find that we have reproduced a relevant excerpt of this code:
O.C.G.A. 19-3-30 (2010) 19-3-30. Issuance, return, and recording of license
(a) Marriage licenses shall be issued only by the judge of the probate court or his clerk at the county courthouse between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday.
View the Georgia Statutes on the official government state website.
Is it Legal For You to Perform a Georgia Wedding?
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