Bible Year
A Journey Through Scripture in 365 Days
Magrey R Devega
In Stock
Turn reading the Bible into a simple & satisfying daily goal! The Bible Year is a companion to help guide you on a 12-month spiritual journey through the Bible.
Bible Year Details
Year after year, the Bible is the most widely printed and read book on the planet. Regardless of your beliefs and personal experiences with the Bible, it's hard to argue that it isn't the single most influential book in human history, even to this day. Have you ever read it all cover-to-cover though? It's a long and sometimes difficult text to parse - so very few have! If you've ever tried and failed to get through it, The Bible Year might be exactly what you need.
This helpful resource is a fantastic tool for both individuals or Bible study groups to get the most out of their spiritual studies of the Old and New Testaments. By breaking down the Bible into daily digestible bites and offering you a navigational guide to doing these readings in your own bible, the Bible Year will help you whether you're reading the Bible for the first time or you're seeking a deeper understanding as you read through it again.
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