Pagan Blessing Set Details
Whether you are a practicing Wiccan or Neopagan, or are simply curious to learn more about pagan practices, the Pagan Blessing Set provides the tools to carry out a wide variety of pagan rituals and mark all the major holidays on the Wheel of the Year.
Pagan Blessing Set contains:
The Pagan Book of Days - this resource provides a detailed account of ancient holidays, the eight stations in the year (equinoxes, solstices, and cross-quarter days), as well as lunar and solar charts that indicate dates of the major Pagan celebrations through the year 2033.
Three ritual candles for ceremonies with their own unique properties. The Monarch Orange candle is infused with the energy to enliven. The Aegean Blue Candle is calming and brings a sense of peace. The Mulberry Purple Candle can be burned for strength and empowerment.
The sage bundle can be used for a house blessing or cleansing ceremony. It is known as smudging in Native traditions, and can be adapted to meet the need of the person or house receiving the blessing. Light the end of the bundle and then blow out the flame to let the ember smoke as you walk it around the space needing to be cleansed.