Color Medicine The Secrets of Color and Vibrational Healing By Charles Klotsche $19.95 & In Stock In Color Medicine, one can learn the different styles and techniques for using sound and different parts of the color spectrum to heal certain ailments. You Saved: Subtotal: $19.95 Qty: Add to Cart Color Medicine Details Color medicine aims to teach about the different health benefits from the different colors of the spectrum. In a practice known as "Chromotherapy", ministers learn how to do things such as boost the immune system, treat ailments, and even boost one's mood all with colors, sound, light, and vibrations. Chapters include: Color Physics, Color Energetics, and the twelve color filters and light sources. A necessity for anyone who is more into holistic healing rather than traditional medicine, this book is a great and portable guide to help holistic ministers in any part of their journey. Click HERE for shipping and return information. Related Products: Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs Reiki for Beginners The Art of Happiness Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic Way of the Shaman Home Blessing Certificate